I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. We do suffer from a similar affliction when it comes to getting too involved in a game, although you took many levels beyond me :-). As a former, often irritable, rep who still remains a thorn in the side of many I can see where you are coming from and have finally arrived at the conclusion to step away. As someone who still religiously visits Chocolate Clash on likely a daily basis I will certainly miss the outstanding asset that you have created. I don’t think many people appreciate or even understand all of the work you have put in behind the scenes to make the magic happen. My heartfelt thanks should have been expressed to you sooner, I should not have waited until I saw your notice. I should have reached out to years ago when you went through the turbulent time that resulted in the split of FWA and other leagues on CC. Hell I should have reached out even before then. For that I apologize. Myself and countless other people owe you a huge debt of gratitude for all you have done for this community.
Thank you for everything.