points will be connected to ids, not clan.
clan with higher total points win war. clan lose all members earn points, clan win lose points.
member have a warbase lose points, lose more for repeat offender. so either he change to farm base or kick him coz he will drag the total clan points down.
theres no OFFICIAL CLAN. each sync you will have to sign up your clan, after sign up sync will be shared to you, for multiple clans you need to sign up all even if you already know the sync time. clan that spin but dont sign up lose points.
sync hunters can also sign up but they will lose points coz they have warbases. for clans that have many negative points, lets say negative 500 (most likely hunters)they will lose the privilege to report their opponent for warbase. so positive points clan can switch to warbase and fight without losing points.
zero win clans can accept hunters so they will earn points again to be able to do farm wars again.
this will be a system that any clan can join not much dependent on staffs and admins so less corruption.
i dont know if this is possible. im not a programmer 🤣 just an idea.