I believe they support, if indeed they do support, the hunters, because of personal heartburn with admins in other alliances. I don’t know the specifics; I don’t follow such nonsense. From my point of view, such behavior is ridiculous. That is what I mean about it being a personal matter.
Any support whatsoever for hunting is beyond my understanding, but I do and always have understood why there are those who have turned to that path. The level of frustration some have endured, the outright dishonesty of the interactions of the leadership of past….. yeah. I can understand. People wanted to retaliate since there was no legitimate path open for negotiations. All the powers resided in a central place and there was zero transparency when dealing with the central power structure.
This new and improved body is an attempt to correct that, I believe , and allowing us to speak about it, even in couched terms , is a marvelous step forward.
If each alliance placed their own bans, and they were visible, and could be honored but the ban was not one that was compelled to be honored by other alliances, ( at the risk of the other alliance of course) I believe we could manage this conundrum.
But that would require rewriting a portion of the policy, I believe?