The insistence of GFL and OLFD of removing three core admins from FWL/1945 would destroy the FWL alliance, and I am not sure this was not the intent from the beginning. On the other hand, the current flow of the conversation seems to be to “remove” FWL, leaving only GFL and OLFD, since the departure of FWA. The question at hand is this: is there a way for FWL to keep our core admins and remain a part of this body?
Since it’s inception, war farming has been contentious, with the rise of hunting alliances peeking following the notorious actions of a few belligerent admins a while back. Many of the top people of war farming revolted, taking the dark path in retaliation; some eventually worked to form a new alliance. In rare cases those alliances succeeded.
FWL is one of those that survived, with our admins, bearing the scars of the past. Our alliance does NOT hunt or provide sync info, and never did. We will not be removing them. This is final. Destroying our alliance is not an option.
Since the rules are written by us, and are approved by us, it seems we have the option to either make changes are make exceptions, since they are not exactly written in stone , or in this case, titanium.
But please consider, those of you who are so very insistent about this issue; there may come a time when the remaining alliance reps will come for you as well. Your current perfect past may not always be perceived that way, and you could be targeted, with nobody to speak in your defense.
The creator , Kuilin, has expressed a need for consensus on this issue. So unless we leave voluntarily, there will be no consensus.
I suggest we find a way to allow our core admins to remain. Your insistence on “following the rules” is not so compelling when we know WE wrote and approved the rules, and WE can reconsider. You don’t want to reconsider? Ok. Neither do we.